Preparing for interview

We want you do well in your application. If you do, and you’re a life-changing person, you’ll fit right in here.

We’ve put together this short but invaluable guide to making your application the best it can be – and to give yourself the best possible chance of securing the career of a lifetime.

Do your research

These days it’s easy to find out about a company on your desktop or even on your mobile.

Everything you need to know is already in your pocket, so get Googling and impress us with your knowledge of Lifetime. You’ll find a wealth of information in all of these places:

Careers Site: Our Careers Site will give you a great insight into not just what we do but how we do it.

Social Media: Check out our social media and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You’ll find both company pages and the career streams are a great way to get an up-to-date impression of what we’re doing and what it’s like to work here.

Glassdoor: See what other professionals are saying about us on Glassdoor, where you’ll also find feedback about their interview experiences.

Prepare for the Interview

Getting to know the role begins with getting to know the job description, then cross-referencing it with your own skills and experience and our People Profiles. The more qualities you can identify as your own, the more chance of success you will have.

Discover our Lifetime DNA

Our Lifetime DNA outlines, defines and explains the competencies and behaviours that Lifetime people bring to work every day.

Get to know our DNA and how you’ve demonstrated these behaviours in your previous experience.

Now the tricky bit: communicating to your interviewer how you have evidenced the DNA. Our top tip is to structure your response using the STAR technique:

  • Tell the person the SITUATION you were in
  • Tell the person what TASK you were expected to undertake
  • Tell the person what ACTION you took to complete the task
  • Tell the person what the RESULT was of your actions

Ask questions

Showing interest is a sure-fire way to impress your interviewer – so think about any questions you would like to ask. Make sure the answers aren’t ones you could find easily online or elsewhere – and make your questions good ones!

Listen carefully. You don’t want to ask a question that has already been answered during the course of the interview. And don’t ask questions for the sake of asking questions but try to prepare a few things that help you to understand the role or the company better.

You might want to ask:

  • What are the main challenges in the role?
  • What is the company expecting the role to deliver within the first three months?
  • What does the interviewer enjoy most about their role/the company?

First impressions and rapport building

It’s a fact that each of us is programmed to notice specific things within the first three seconds of meeting someone. So, first impressions are very important.

To help you make a great first impression and to feel confident, we recommend thinking about and taking care of the following things:

  • Dress: dress appropriately, professionally and comfortably.
  • Handshake: get comfortable with shaking hands - practice if you think you need to!
  • Body language: ask what yours says about you and make improvements if needed.

Enjoy it!

Finally, we want you to be great. And that means you should be comfortable and confident throughout the process. So, while we will never try to ‘catch you out’, we will aim to challenge you. That means a thorough interview. If you’re prepared, you’ll be confident and you will do your best.